Creative Cohesion West Midlands is offering Khush Minds Project for people to access and participate in activities and programmes during the Coronavirus (COVID 19). We aim to work with partners and specialist organisations to help and support underserved children and families to build their confidence, share their experiences and access services to help them cope with their difficulties and anxieties. The project supports organisations and public health services to improve their reach to the most disadvantaged communities in Hodgehilll and neighbouring areas of Birmingham.
The project works to improve people’s health and wellbeing, motivate social interaction and encourage access to our services. These include taster sessions, virtual workshops, specialist support, social media interaction and promoting healthy lifestyles. We inspire self-expression through creative arts, outsource fun activities and coach people on new skills, facilitating a means for people to use a safe space to share stories and showcase their hidden talents!
Khush Minds project will work to grow, sustain and access support for new programmes and services resulting from the effect of coronavirus pandemic. We want to help and support local communities to learn new skills, embrace change, learn digital skills and the impact of social media and ways organisations may be offering services in the future.
Employment & Training
- Setting online business
- Online courses
- YouTube self-learning
- Employability
- CV writing skills
- Interview techniques
- Career path
Mental Health
- Mindfulness
- Dance
- Meditation / Yoga
- Arts and Crafts
- Painting / Drawing
- Therapeutic Art
- Visual Arts
- Gardening
- Specialist Services
- Connecting with family/friends
- Group chat Sessions
- Family Quiz / Challenges
- Participation workshops
- Fitness Challenges
- Activities Outdoors
- Home workouts
- Diet / Nutrition
- Sporting Games
- Apps on Fitness / Healthy Eating
- Yoga / Meditation
- Mindfulness
- Book Reading
- Relaxation Techniques
- Religious Rituals
- Breaking cultural barriers / stereotypes
- Heritage
- Cohesion between communities
- Respect, Equality, Rights
- Overcoming Racism in BAME Communities / BlackLivesMatter
Our Workshops
View our workshops below.
Health & Wellbeing Workshop
Housing Workshop