our work
ProjectsOvercoming Barrier’s and Improving Communication
Deaf World – CCWM has delivered programmes in Sandwell working with Deaf World. A local organisation to break down the barriers between the deaf and non-deaf young people, delivered workshops with young people and parents on communication, team working, confidence and self esteem
claiming the Countryside
In 2018 CCWM worked with Sidney Nolan Trust to provide families with opportunities to visit the country side – something that is rarely available to them and to be able to get creative. We have developed this concept with different projects including a Doll Foundation funded ‘It’s My World Project in partnership with Sidney Nolan Trust and St Basils.
Covid 19
CCWM urges the Communities to try to avoid rumours or speculation about the Coronavirus and use authorities for information on the outbreak and support.
- e.g Local Councils, Public Health England, NHS, Gov.UK, World Health Organisation
CCWM’S Khush Mind Project
Creative Cohesion West Midland’s is offering Khush Minds Project for people to access and participate in activities and programmes for their health and wellbeing during the Coronavirus (COVID 19).
The project funded by Birmingham city Council’s Covid 19 will work with partners and specialist organisation to help and support, local communities who have been affected by Covid 19 through loss of jobs, struggling to cope with changes in lifestyle, home-schooling, isolation, bereavement, loss of self-esteem, lack of skills and poverty.
The project will work to improve people’s health and wellbeing, engage and encourage participation online, join in with social and physical activities and programmes. This will include online information, educational group seminars and deliver physical, social and practical taster sessions, specialist workshops, and participation in motivational, fun activities.
We aim to help and support underserved children and families to build their confidence, share their experiences and access services to help them cope with their difficulties and anxieties.
The project will support organisations and public health services to improve their reach to the most disadvantaged communities in Hodgehilll and neighbouring areas of Birmingham.
Khush Minds project will work to grow, sustain and access support for new programmes and services resulting from the effect of coronavirus pandemic. We want to help and support local communities to learn new skills, embrace change, learn digital skills and the impact of social media and ways organisations may be offering services in the future.
We are keen to engage and involve community organisations within this project to inspire self-expression through creative arts and involvement in workshops and activities relating to Covid 19 and its impact on lives.
We want to help motivate and encourageaccessof services which include attending group seminars, taster sessions, specialist workshops, video links, Facebook, Zoom and YouTube live sessionsthrough our interactive website promoting creative and healthy living, we want people to join our workshops, outsource fun activities, coach people on new skills and for you to use a safe spaceto share your stories, learn new skills and showcase your hidden talents!
Access our website for updates, share your stories, join our live streams via social media platforms and participate in our onlinecommunity chat.
Come and join us!
Health & Well-being
CCWM will focus on the Health and Wellbeing through providing information, interactive workshop and creative activities.
Khush Minds Project will be focusing on the key factors of wellbeing and will cover activities and programmes covering the areas listed below:
- Physical. This includes lifestyle choices that affect the functioning of our bodies. What we eat and how active we are will affect our physical wellbeing.
- Emotional or psychological. This is our ability to cope with everyday life and reflects how we think and feel about ourselves.
- Social. This is the extent that we feel a sense of belonging and social inclusion. The way we communicate with others, our relationships, values, beliefs, lifestyles and traditions are all important factors of social wellbeing.
- Spiritual. This is the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life. Achieved through being connected to our inner self, to nature or even a greater power.
- Intellectual. It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness as it helps us to expand our knowledge and skills in order to live an enjoyable and successful life.
- Economic. Economic wellness, in short, is our ability to meet our basic needs and feel a sense of security.
Covid-19 has created pressures and anxieties where people are finding it tough to go about their normal lives, Khush minds wants to improve wellbeing and building resilience amongst the community and how the lifestyle choices we make affect us. Below are a few examples of how individuals and groups can achieve wellbeing:
Connect with each other – talk and listen to others and always live in the moment.
Be active – do what you can and enjoy what you do.
Take notice – remember the simple things that give you joy.
Keep learning – embrace new experiences and seek new opportunities.
Give – give people your time, your words and your presence.
How Staying Positive and Keeping Active Improves your Health and Wellbeing?
Khush Minds Project will use creativity as a powerful tool for people to engage in health and well-being activities and programmes. This project wants to create access, opportunities and participation in creative arts to improve health outcomes and well-being, counter inequalities and increase social engagement. The benefits of arts activities are being seen beyond traditional settings, and their role in supporting communities and individuals who would otherwise be excluded, in isolation and not taking up of services. The Khush Minds Project will explore ways to increase involvement and engagement through activities such as:
- visual arts
- movement-based creative expression
- expressive writing
- music and theatre
- storytelling
- photography and video
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07568 455423
07906 860044
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Restrictive Opening Times
Due To Covid-19
Women's Enterprise Centre
Ralph Road
B8 1NA
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To find out more information or to make an enquiry please visit the Contact Us Page or reach us with the details below